Real Racing 3 Tips and Tricks

Real Racing 3 Tips and Tricks

EA Real Racing 3 is one of the popular mobile racing games. I've been playing Real Racing 3 for a while now and I have a few tips to share with you. As I don't think I'm a pro yet, I may not give you all the tips. However, if you have more tips, do share it through comments. So, following are the tricks I follow while playing EA Real Racing 3. I use manual acceleration and brake, and tilt steering. So, a few tips may not be useful if you use a different control option. 

Upgrade your Car while its being delivered
We all know upgrading takes a lot of time. Of course, we can skip it using gold but I don't suggest doing that because earning gold is not that easy. You don't get your car as soon as you pay for it. You have to wait for few minutes to few hours depending on the car. So, instead of waiting for the car, upgrade the car while its being delivered. Like I said, don't use gold to upgrade your cars, You'll need gold to buy cars, which can be bought only with gold and to buy mechanics.

Cut the Corner
Whenever you feel like you're approaching a corner too fast and even braking won't slow you down to complete the turn, cut through the grass. Yes, you heard me right, Cut through the grass/sand. Even though your car takes a beating, you can keep your position. But, don't cut immediately as your car might skid and go out of control making it worse.

If you're in an online race, DON'T cut the corner as you will be penalized for it.

Buy Mechanics
Yes, you heard me right. Buy mechanics. Though, in the beginning, you only need one mechanic and cars don't take more than a few minutes to get back to their prime. But, as you level up, you use more cars and higher end cars take hours to get serviced. So, buy mechanics. Of course you have to spend gold on them. You get the first mechanic for free. The second and third mechanics cost 20gold and 50gold respectively if I'm not wrong.

Share on Facebook/Twitter
You'll be awarded 5gold (I guess) for sharing on Google Plus or Facebook or Twitter for the first time. So, share it to get some gold. You don't even have to worry as it is one of the coolest games at the moment.

Use the Ripple strip or Rumble strip
Whenever taking a turn, use the ripple strip. As long as you don't hit the grass/sand or hit the brake, you don't slow down. While overtaking the opponents, I suggest going a bit off track or taking a longer turn.

Don't always use the best car
As high end cars take a lot of time to be serviced, don't always use the best car from the available cars. Speed Record, for example, records the speed as you cross the finish line and decides your position. If the finish line is immediately after a turn, you're gonna need a car with fast acceleration and better control. So, in this situation, Audi TT RS Coupe might be better option than BMW M3 Coupe as Audi TT's 0-100kmph is around 3.8s while that of BMW is 4.2s. Handling also counts. I'm just giving this as an example. Hope you get the picture.

Play Events
Play events like completing goals to win cars. Even if you don't win a car, you'll end up the feel of driving a great car. I drove a Maserati and a Ferrari F41 this way :3. Though I didn't win them, being a car enthusiast, I felt good. You may also earn a lot of gold.


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